Sept. 14th-18th

Things have been settling down at Langston as the kids(and teacher) get into a routine. The Square1 Art Fundraiser is in the beginning stages, as all the students are finishing their artwork, I am preparing to send it off to the company to have individualized catalogs printed! Be on the look-out for   an email from me when the catalogs are sent home. :)

This week in art...

Kdg.- Kinders are finished with their dot paintings to celebrate International Dot Day (Sept. 15th), and now we are learning about the 3 primary colors and how to mix them to create secondary colors.
1st- First graders are learning about landscapes and landscape lines. We're starting our landscapes this week-- very exciting.

2nd- Second graders are finishing their Square1 Van Gogh sunflowers. These are GORGEOUS. The students really understood the process of mixing paint on the paper like Van Gogh, instead of the palette.

3rd- Third Graders are drawing Robot Worlds using shapes and a horizon line. The kids have been so creative with these and excited to share their robot worlds with other students-- A LOT of getting out of their seats :)

4th- Fourth and fifth graders are still finishing up their Radial Symmetry Name Designs. This is a time-consuming project, but the students are really grasping understandings about symmetry in art and they are very proud of their finished products!

5th- See above

Back to School (AND ART!) August 31st-September 4th

Hi everyone!

The beginning of the school year has been off to a wonderful start! The first few days we were busy with learning art room procedures and expectations, while each grade made a self-portrait using only one color. These self-portraits together will make a rainbow mural in the hallway.

Langston is also participating in Square1 this year! Square1 is an art fundraiser that makes keepsakes with your child's art on them. The proceeds will benefit the art program and PTO here at Langston. PLUS the kids feel so accomplished to see their work on the keepsakes. Each grade is working on their Square1 artwork right now. More information to come :)

Kdg.- Kinders were introduced to line types and the colors of the rainbow, while learning how to paint using a paintbrush. Students created gorgeous ROY G. BIV paintings.

1st- First graders are learning about different kinds of lines (wavy, zig zag, castle, etc.) and their line directions (diagonal, horizontal, vertical). Putting our new knowledge of lines to use, we are creating a "9 Lines" painting using watercolors. They're coming along beautifully!

2nd- Second grade students are finishing their -ISH pictures, inspired by the book by Peter H. Reynolds. We learned how to think "-ish" when we create and to let go of our frustrations.
3rd- Third graders are learning about implied texture vs. actual texture. We are working on implied texture landscapes. The kids are so amazed that they can DRAW texture.

4th- Fourth graders and fifth graders are making radial symmetry name designs. This is a complex concept, but the students are loving the results once they master the technique.

5th- See Above