March 2nd-6th


I missed last week's post due to conferences, but here's what we're working on this week in the Art room.

K- Kindergarteners have finally finished their party hats that focused on their knowledge of functional art vs. art for art's sake. This project reviewed so many things we've learned over the past month or two-- cutting, gluing, stamping, oil pastels, patterns, and types of art. I just love how the kids made every aspect of the hat except the paper.

1st- First graders are finishing up their tree houses. This project is so adorable and also so lengthy. Here's a preview of our next project, Paul Klee Building Block Cityscapes. One class took a break and started this project and their so colorful and really brighten up the hallway.

2nd- Second Graders are continuing to work on their warm color monsters and cool/neutral color robots. We read a book called "I Need My Monster" and they all really enjoyed that while drawing their monsters. I am emphasizing to them the importance of craftsmanship and filling the space.

3rd- Third grade is learning about different portrait viewpoints (frontal, profile, and 3/4 view). This is an extension of our knowledge of landscape viewpoints (bird's eye, worm's eye, and eye level). To practice our understanding, we've been learning about Pablo Picasso and Cubism. He used multiple viewpoints in his portraits. The students are making Cubist Animals using multiple perspectives. This is a really hard concept and the kids impressed me with how quickly they picked it up!

4th- Fourth graders are in the printing stage of their collagraphs. Collagraphs are a form of printmaking in which a printing plate is made from cardboard, string, foam, or other found objects. The printing is a messy experience, but teaches the importance of following directions and listening--that's for sure.

5th- Fifth graders just finished adding sprinkles to their ceramic Wayne Thiebaud-inspired donuts and enjoyed donuts in class. Now we are beginning to plan our Fantasy Exploration Maps based on the artwork of Allison Murray Whittington. Everyone is getting very creative with their map themes! While their maps are in progress, here are some photos of the finished donuts.

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