Oct. 10th- Oct. 14th

Kdg: Kinders are learning about SCULPTURE. Sculptures are 3D and you can walk "all the way around" them, as oppose to a flat painting or drawing! Following our lesson about lines, kinder artists used paper to create a line sculpture. 

1st: As part of our Types of Art Unit, Firsties are creating a Still Life painting. They learned about the artist, Paul Cezanne, and his still life paintings of apples. Still Life paintings are pictures of THINGS.

2nd: Second grade artists are demonstrating their knowledge of warm and cool colors with these ornamental corns! 

3rd: After learning about tints, shades, and hues, 3rd graders are creating GORGEOUS moonlit pumpkins. The students placed pumpkins in the foreground, middle ground, and background-- which is a way of adding PERSPECTIVE! Perspective makes art look more realistic!

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4th: Fourth graders are finishing up a quick lesson about gesture drawing. Not only did we draw from live models (ie. ME and some volunteer students), but we also created foil action figures! We used our action figures to make gesture drawings. The key to drawing movement? Diagonal lines.

5th: Fifth graders drew their names in block letters using perspective, then placed them in a landscape setting, real or imaginary. These are so fun!

Sept. 12th-16th

Kdg: Kinders are reviewing and continuing to practice different types of lines with their Silly Line People. We are about to dive into line direction and primary colors with projects inspired by Piet Mondrian.

It doesn't get any cuter than this...

 1st: Firsties are identifying different types of art (portrait, landscape, still life) and are beginning their  Self-Portraits! Stay tuned-- they. are. hilarious.

Learning about NOUNS in Art!

 2nd: After reading the book, Ish, by Peter H. Reynolds, 2nd grade artists are creating Ish pictures! We discussed how "ish" means almost. And sometimes we make art that doesn't look exactly like what we're trying to make it look like and thats okay! All of our art is Ish!

The creativity is bubbling over with these kids.
 3rd: Third graders are finishing up their Matisse Name Collages and are now moving onto Watercolor Technique Quilts. We will learn and practice 6 techniques such as crayon resist, wet-on-wet, and gradient wash.

Please note-- the burger. Love.

 4th: After many messy days, the fourth graders are finishing up their Value Crayons. The students are having a great time working together and using tones, tints, and shades (ask them about the song!) to create more realistic-looking crayons.

 5th: Fifth graders are learning about linear perspective in Art. Linear perspective is used to create depth and the illusion of space in a 2D work. Our way of practicing One-Point perspective is through our Name Landscape projects. This is a TOUGH concept for anyone, but the students are really persevering and making great progress. Pictures to come :)

3rd year's the charm! Aug. 17th- Sept. 1st

Just now getting back into the swing of things here in the Langston Art Room! Here's what we've been up to...

Kdg: Kinders are learning about the Art room, and the supplies we will use to make art this year. We are diving right in with learning about LINES. The students are painting curly, straight, castle, wavy, zig zag, and other lines in black. Now we will be learning about ROY G BIV, the colorful elf that lives at the end of the rainbow. ROY G BIV helps up remember the sequence of colors in the rainbow.

1st: First grade is reviewing lines, shapes, and patterns through our Pattern Name Projects. We're also reviewing how to treat our brushes like "ballerinas" and paint on our tip toes!

2nd: Second grade has been learning how to write in block and bubble lettering! This was challenging for most, but they rocked it. After writing their names in block or bubble, students added patterns inside the letters.

3rd: Third grade has been busy learning about Henri Matisse and how he "paints" with scissors in his collages. We're making Name Collages using positive space, negative space, organic shapes, and geometric shapes. LOVING these. 

4th: Fourth grade is creating Value Crayon Collaboratives. Students work as groups to organize huge crayons across their group of papers, then using chalk pastels to add value (lightness and darkness of a color). 

Here's what the finished product will look like!

5th: Fifth graders are making Radial Symmetry Paper Sculptures using two types of folds-- triangle and fold. These folded papers are then arranged into a radially symmetrical design. Can't wait to see these hung up in the hall!

Little lilypad.

Color combo is on point. 
Love the high-relief of some of these sculptures!


K- Kinders have finished their Overlapping/Contour Line Collages and are now working on their Assemblage Self-Portraits. Hanoch Piven is our artist inspiration for this project. He is an Israeli artist that uses found objects to create portraits. We used various objects around the art room to create self-portraits. It's fascinating how some of these actually look like the student!

1st- First graders are finishing their Poppies in Perspective, in which they learned about Perspective in art. They were also introduced to foreground, middle ground, and background. We also practiced using shades and layering to create more depth. Now we're moving onto Gumball Machine Collages!

2nd- After learning about positive and negative space in Art, 2nd graders created a warm or cool colored tie-dye background using markers and then a design on black paper. The students traced and cut out their hands, then glued the negative space of the design on one side, their hand on the other to create a graphic example of positive and negative space.

3rd- Third graders are finishing their lesson about Aborginal dot painting. The students have each created a Dreamtime story using symbols. Students hid their dreamtime story symbols within their dot paintings like the aboriginals. This project involved hard work from the students, but the work paid off-- these are gorgeous!

4th- Fourth graders are learning about the artist Kimmy Cantrell. Cantrell is an African American sculptor that creates ceramic masks in Cubism style, which students became familiar with in 3rd grade. They have been practicing the 3Ss of ceramics (slip, score, smooth). Next week, we will finish building and hopefully have them fired to add color with oil pastels and tempera paint.

5th- Fifth graders are making fantasy exploration maps. The students learned about the artist, Allison Murray Whittingston, and the maps she creates using pen and ink. These maps show so much of the students' creativity and personality.