3rd year's the charm! Aug. 17th- Sept. 1st

Just now getting back into the swing of things here in the Langston Art Room! Here's what we've been up to...

Kdg: Kinders are learning about the Art room, and the supplies we will use to make art this year. We are diving right in with learning about LINES. The students are painting curly, straight, castle, wavy, zig zag, and other lines in black. Now we will be learning about ROY G BIV, the colorful elf that lives at the end of the rainbow. ROY G BIV helps up remember the sequence of colors in the rainbow.

1st: First grade is reviewing lines, shapes, and patterns through our Pattern Name Projects. We're also reviewing how to treat our brushes like "ballerinas" and paint on our tip toes!

2nd: Second grade has been learning how to write in block and bubble lettering! This was challenging for most, but they rocked it. After writing their names in block or bubble, students added patterns inside the letters.

3rd: Third grade has been busy learning about Henri Matisse and how he "paints" with scissors in his collages. We're making Name Collages using positive space, negative space, organic shapes, and geometric shapes. LOVING these. 

4th: Fourth grade is creating Value Crayon Collaboratives. Students work as groups to organize huge crayons across their group of papers, then using chalk pastels to add value (lightness and darkness of a color). 

Here's what the finished product will look like!

5th: Fifth graders are making Radial Symmetry Paper Sculptures using two types of folds-- triangle and fold. These folded papers are then arranged into a radially symmetrical design. Can't wait to see these hung up in the hall!

Little lilypad.

Color combo is on point. 
Love the high-relief of some of these sculptures!

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